Elegant Nonchalance

Don’t reach for the dictionary bruh…

There’s nothing I hate more than dressing up for the chilly weather.. Well apart from the flu that has plagued me the past couple of days. My hate for dressing up during the cold season goes way back to when my mum used to squeeze my head into those boshoris we all hated.. I know ya’ll  can relate!

I pay a lot of attention to detail and if there’s something wrong with my outfit before I leave the house, I’d rather reschedule a meet-up than go out of the house looking like a slob. I’m a bulky guy (sort of), so layering is out of the question as it adds on a couple of pounds on me. Thus, I am left with no other option than to invest in a coat that is both stylish and keep the cold at bay.

Here is where I queue in the camel coat. If coats were women, my type would be brown, skinny and expensive (Lol, I kid). I have had a major obsession with camel coats for the longest time, but there was nowhere I could get one that had a proper fit. That’s why I was ready to sell a kidney when I came across this specific one.. *crickets*

Well, that’s umm, dark!

A camel coat is a statement piece on its own, thus you should ensure other pieces of your outfit complement it. Tone it down a bit, and you’re good to go. I’ll do another post soon to show how you can wear it casually.

For this post, I went for a more dressy and refined look. I paired blue tailored pants, and a grey waistcoat. The hue of the tie closely matched the camel coat, and that’s why I chose the crisp black doublemonks so as not to go overboard.. On my wrist, I wore the Dapper York 38mm by Daniel Wellington and a locally made brass bracelet.

Suit Pants – Nick Ondu / Monkstraps – Tomaz Leather / Camel Coat – Made Man / Bracelet – Maasai Market / Timepiece – Daniel Wellington (Use my code thedapperDW to get 15% off at checkout).

Location: The Hub Karen

Photography: Complement Pictures




Kenyan Men's Fashion Blogger







Kenyan Men's Fashion Blogger

No, don’t go yet.. Lemme know what you think of this look in the comments section below 🙂